Partner with Root 66 Farms
Spearheading transition to Hemp in Wisconsin
4th Generation Farmer.
Leader and Pioneer in Organic / No-Till Farming in the Midwest.
Mark is one of the first farmers to successfully grow hemp organically in Wisconsin. Previously was President of Agrecol for more than a decade taking native seed industry to a new level of cleanliness, seed flow availability and PLS. Currently has a seat on the Cropping Systems Trail Advisory Board of Rodale Institute. Wisconsin Organic Advisory Council, who’s purpose is to give guidance to the Governor DATCP, WI Legislature and other State or Federal Agencies.
- Educator and Key-Note Speaker at major industry conferences including MOSES, OGRAIN, ASA, Rodale Institue and Agri-Energy Resources
- Member of the Wisconisn Organic Advisory Council which provides guidance directly to the governor, DATCP and the Wisconsin Legislature about organic farming practices
- Member of American Society of Agricultural Engineers.
- Multiple projects with Universities, i.e. Winter Pea Breeding Projects & Crimped Cereal Rye.
- Has been featured in Agri-View, Wisconsin State Farmer and Rodale’s Organic Life Magazine
For more information on the pioneering work Mark is doing, visit Doudlah Farms.