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O.G. Vaporizer
"Everybody's born with a little Gangster inside 'em."
Follow the Woman in the Red Dress
OG Vaporizer - All In One Portable Vaporizer by TAO | Redeem Groupon Voucher
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Redeem Groupon Voucher

You Made the Right Choice….
Now You that You Got an O.G. by Your Side.

But ain’t nothin’ free in life! So here’s what you gotta do to redeem your Groupon Voucher:

STEP 1: Go get your Redemption Code (will look like this – “OG12345”).
Groupon sent this code to you by email but you can access it in your Groupon app.
Hey! No redeeming on Groupon’s website or app? Understand? 

**If you were smart enough to buy more than 1 and have a couple of them vouchers, it’s best if you call  877-418-8273
We will take care of the rest for you over the phone.**

STEP 2: Click on the REDEEM VOUCHER button below. Select a color (got 2 to chose from. Chose wisely.)

STEP 4: Select any EXCLUSIVE OFFERS that are available for you TODAY ONLY.

STEP 5: Tell us where to send it. Boom! Like that your out!