Dance Macabre
It be All Hallows' Eve...when the Cursed & Damned be walkin' among us. Pirate lore demands the Dance of the Dead - and that be exactly what we be doin'.

the Ceremony of Pirate Lords
20 years of adventures, escapades and tales have brought us to these Caletan shores. Now we be embarking on the next leg of our journey. Together as Pirates We Shall be Evermore!

Tribal Sands on Strange Tides
Aye, the drums of a thousand years beat before ye! Feast yer eyes on the Fiery Rhythms of Las Caletas!
Las Caletas Schedule
Las Caletas in Photos
Rhythms of the Night - Savia
Conceived and produced by Gilles Ste-Croix, who be the co-founder of Cirque de Soleil, Rhythms of the Night be drawin’ heavily from the customs of the ancient peoples that once inhabited the region around Puerto Vallarta. Rhythms of the Night – Savia centers on spiritual demonstrations and ancient ceremonies that will be leavin’ ye breathless.
We be comin’ back to Las Caletas for this adventure…after the ceremony be completed.